
WILDFOX COUTURE, an American Vintage-inspired women’s knitwear brand.

Ah, Wildfox Couture- the label that's currently on every girl's radar. This incredibly cute brand has been making waves for quite some time now, and it's no wonder why. Their cheeky t-shirts, feminine designs, and bold hues are just some of the reasons why Wildfox is so aesthetically appealing. As if we needed any more reasons to adore their clothing, they also use the softest fabrics and literally have something for every occasion. You just can't lose with them. And with warm weather just around the corner, Wildfox have also conveniently come out with a line of swimswear, including a denim high-waisted bikini that's to die for. With Wildfox hitting the Lobby store soon, you'll finally be able to cross some of those must-haves off your wishlist. You're welcome.

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